Money doesn’t grow on trees, unfortunately. But you can grow your money by utilizing your asset. The asset that you already may have. KnowledGe Asset.
知識(KG)資産を活用していらっしゃいますか? 貴方の持つ知識(KG)価値がどれだけの価値を秘めているか、ご存知ですか?
And there are so many ways to utilize our knowledge asset. But the reality is, there is so much knowledge asset without being utilized.
Most likely, around you as well.
- You may have some ideas that can be patented and used in many ways.
- Your idea of creating a new product may lead to an invention of a whole new industry.
- There may be a trademark or a copyright that could possibly become a source of revenue.
- Having a knowledge on intellectual property could protect you from costly lawsuits especially if you are in business of selling products.
KnowledGe Asset Inc. can help you.
At KnowledGe Asset Inc., we pride ourselves in the knowledge in IP industry, technology research capability, and ever-changing IP laws. Give us your project, and we will come up with a strategy that would best work for you. Our unparalleled experience supported by worldwide network of partners in various technical areas makes KnowledGe Asset Inc. a truly unique consulting firm.
Give us your IP problems.
Tell us about your unutilized KnowledGe Asset.
We will hold your hands and show you the way.
- 特許になり、いろいろな用途に使えるようなアイディアをお持ではありませんか。
- 新規商品のアイディアがもとで新しい業界が生まれることさえ、実際にあるのをご存知でしょうか。
- 商標や意匠を登録しておくことが、将来の収入源につながる可能性があるなどと考えられたことはありますか。
- もし商品を販売するビジネスをお持ちであれば、将来起こりうる訴訟から身を守るためにも、知的財産に関する知識を持っておくことは大切だと認識されていますか。