Our service is customized for each client, adding unparalleled value to their business.
We are here to help companies or individuals who are looking for business successes by utilizing their KnowledGe Assets.
For example, if a company has unique idea to improve business process, we can assist to formulate a strategy to protect the idea, to estimate the cost, and to increase the chance to find business partners.
We can also help individuals who would like to be successful in utilizing their KnowledGe Assets. Identifying best business strategy, finding business partners, commercializing a great idea…. The list can go on.
Here are some of the specific services KGAI offers for you:
- Meet with you to identify your/your company’s KnowledGe Assets.
- Together with you, formulate the best business strategy that maximize your return on investment for developing KnowledGe Assets.
- Research market environment and business climate to improve the accuracy of our strategy in ever-changing global economy.
- Propose the best method to protect your KnowledGe Assets around the globe.
- Help you identify the best business partner through KGAI’s worldwide network.
- Refer the most suitable individual or company who can provide you with the best services within your budget.
- Study your KnowledGe Assets and create an evaluation report for you to make improvements to generate more KnowledGe Assets.
- Execute the jointly-developed strategy and update it accordingly in the context of best utilizing the KnowledGe Assets.
- ミーティングで貴方・貴方の会社の知識(KG)価値を特定。
- 貴方と共に知識(KG)価値を利用する際の投資収益率を最高にする方策を作成。
- 市場やビジネス環境を調査、プランの実現性を高める。
- 世界中で貴方の知識(KG)価値を保護するやり方を提案。
- KGAIのグローバルネットワークを駆使し、最適なビジネスパートナーを捜すお手伝い。
- 必要に応じ、予算内で最適なサービスを提供する会社・個人を紹介。
- 貴方の知識(KG)価値を詳細に研究し、さらに多くの知識(KG)価値を生み出すためのレポートを作成。
- 貴方と作成したプランを実行するお手伝いをし、また状況に応じて継続的にプランをアップデート。